Montclair Council considers modest changes to leaf blower law

On January 5, the Township Council considered for the first time a modest amendment to Montclair’s leaf blower law, proposed by a subcommittee of the Council (Mayor Spiller, Councilor Schlager, and Councilor Yacobellis). The proposal would extend the wintertime prohibition on gas-powered leaf blower (GLB) use to include the month of March, push back the allowed start time during spring and fall by one hour on weekdays and Saturdays, and specify a minimum fine of $100 for violations. This was the first reading of the proposal, not a vote on final passage.

Debate focused primarily on process issues, with Councilor Russo seeking more time to develop a more aggressive proposal. Both he and Councilor Yacobellis stated that they would like to see a year-round ban on GLBs, requiring a transition to safer and cleaner equipment and more environmentally friendly approaches to lawn care. Councilors Schlager and Price Abrams made it clear that they would support stronger regulation, too, but they and Councilor Yacobellis favored moving this proposal forward as an interim step. In the end, the Council voted 4-3 to table the proposal until January 19, giving members more time to discuss potential changes.

Although Quiet Montclair was not involved in the drafting of this proposal, we expressed support for it as a good first step toward a comprehensive solution to a worsening problem. We were very pleased to hear a majority of the Council voice clear support for more aggressive regulation of GLBs.


Help pass a stronger leaf blower law this Tuesday!


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