Help pass a stronger leaf blower law this Tuesday!
This Tuesday, February 2, the Township Council will consider a new, stronger amendment to the law that regulates the use of gas leaf blowers in Montclair. The proposal also includes, for the first time, a requirement to help protect the health of landscape workers. If passed on “first reading” this week, the measure will face a final hearing and vote on Tuesday, February 16.
The new proposal would:
Reduce the times of the year gas leaf blowers are allowed, from more than half the year to two months in spring and two months in fall.
Require gas leaf blower operators to start an hour later on most days.
Require landscapers to ensure their employees are properly equipped to protect their health when using gas leaf blowers.
Set a minimum fine of $100 for violations.
The remainder of the law will remain unchanged.
If passed, this would be a major step forward, especially if paired with enhanced efforts to educate the public about the law and enforce it.
Now is a critical time to show your support.
Opponents of these reforms have two chances to vote the proposal down. That’s why it’s critical for residents who want change to make their voices heard.
You can make a difference this week:
Call in and speak for up to three minutes at the Council meeting on February 2 or February 16. There is a public comment period at each meeting, typically between 7:00 and 7:45 p.m., and the process is easy. This is the most direct way to make your voice heard. Please feel free to email us if you'd like to do this. We can walk you through the process.
Email Mayor Spiller ( Urge him to support these changes and ensure that the law is better understood and enforced.
Email your ward councilor. Tell them why this issue matters to you, and ask for their vote.
Ward 1: Bill Hurlock (
Ward 2: Robin Schlager (
Ward 3: Lori Price Abrams (
Ward 4: David Cummings (
If you don’t know your ward, you can find it here.